You've got a dream to take amazing pictures. Pictures that reflect your creative heart. Pictures that make people stop in their tracks and that you are proud of. Maybe you want to sell your prints, or enter them in photo contests, or print them and put them on the wall at home, or maybe you want to grow you Instagram account.
You're tired of seeing everyone else post beautiful photos online. You feel their photos are better than yours, but you know in your heart of hearts that you have what it takes to create your own amazing works of art.
You upload your photos to your retouching software and take a hard look at them, and you are disappointed to see that too often your photos are not tack-sharp. You know the photography essentials, but who has the time to spend hour after hour researching the exposure triangle?
What you want is to have someone show you the essential need-to-know points to take pictures that are tack-sharp, every time. Especially when it really counts.
You just don't know the three-step system that actually works to help you take tack-sharp photos...yet! It is not that you are not smart enough or lack the ability to understand the techniques to "make it happen."
The actual issue is that you've just not yet learned what the "professional photographers" know, but won't (or can't) teach you.
But the great news for you is that I'm going to to show you how to use a simple series of steps that will lead to super sharp pictures. You see, taking sharp photos every time is not the result of doing one thing right, rather, it is the result of doing a series of steps right.
Bottom line: Taking super sharp pictures is a LOT easier than you think once you know the steps to follow!
oh and one more thing...
I'm not going to tell you that I am somehow special because I figured this out, but I am going to tell you a quick story about how a failure on an important photo shoot actually changed my photography forever.
I was a photo hobbyist. At the time, I wouldn't even say the words, "I am a photographer", but rather, I would say "I love taking pictures". I had a full time job and I tried to fit photography in to my busy life. I was a solo learner, and I had no one to mentor me in photography.
I wanted to take a spectacular panorama photo of the skyline of the downtown core of Vancouver. I made friends with a security guard so that he would get me onto the rooftop of an office tower at sunset, and finally there I was, all alone, standing in front of my camera on a tripod on a rooftop overlooking the downtown skyline. The view was incredible and I got my shots.
That night I excitedly uploaded my photos to my computer at home and looked at them in Photoshop. This is what I call the moment of truth. But to my total dismay, my photos were not sharp. In fact, they were so soft I couldn't use the photo...even for a social media post.
I spent the next year researching, learning and testing every technique I could find that would help me take sharp pictures.
I developed a step-by-step system, and once I started using it, my photography changed forever.
I started coming home from photoshoots and uploading my photos to my computer for the moment of truth, and... my photos were super sharp!
I started entering my pictures in contests and I began winning awards. I got followers on social media, and the most AMAZING thing started happening...people contacted me and asked if they could buy my prints.
The best part? I was able to get back on that same rooftop to do a reshoot, and then a buyer purchased the photo!
I was stunned!
People I didn't even know wanted my pictures hanging in the living rooms of their homes!
It hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized that the key to amazing photography is a series of steps, and if I follow those steps like a recipe, I could get incredible pictures that are tack-sharp.
But here is the thing you may not realize, especially if you think you can just rely on the auto focus of your camera to give you tack-sharp photos.
The thing most photographers don't understand is that super sharp photos are not just the result of using auto focus on your expensive camera.
You need to use the right auto focus MODE, and the right auto focus AREA, combined with the right SHUTTER SPEED and GEAR .
It sounds complicated, but it's not!
And here's more great news!
First, taking tack-sharp photos doesn't mean you have to spend years figuring it out like I did. Sharp pictures are the result of doing a number of things right in a step-by-step system that everyone, including you, can use to get great results...FAST!
Second, not only will you not have to struggle for years, but you have a unique opportunity right now to get the step-by-step system when you grab a copy of my BRAND NEW course!
Here's something else I want you to know. I sincerely want to help you!
Maybe money is tight...or you don't believe in your own abilities to take amazing pictures. Maybe you are intimidated by all the bells and whistles on your camera. I believe in you and your desire to take awesome photos... because you wouldn't have read this far if you weren't serous about making a change.
And because you are serious, I want to do what I can to give you all these secrets to tack-sharp photography.
For today only (final day), I dropped the price of this course by 40%. You might ask, why am I not just giving all this away for free? Because as humans we don't value what we get for free. You need a bit of "skin in the game". The things you pay for are the things you pay attention to and value. So if you pay for the course you are going to watch the content and learn the skills so you can take your own tack sharp photos.
So if you get the course I guarantee it will change the pictures you take, just like it did for me.
Here's what to do next...
Hit the "buy now" button and enter your information so you can start watching the course content right away. These are skills that will help you take super professional looking photos.
Here's why...
I told you that I am discounting the price of the course by 40%, but this is only for the initial launch.
The 40% discount is coming off .
I want you to have these skills so you can create your own amazing photos, so take action now and pick up your copy of the course AND the eBook.
Did I mention the 40% discount is ending? Take action now and change your pictures forever!
The Tack-Sharp Photography Course...21 lessons that are easy to follow, uncomplicated and will change your photography forever!
The Tack-Sharp Camera Settings eBook...this comes with the course! Save it to your phone so you have all my camera settings with you in the field.
My promise to you is that you WILL learn at least one new thing about taking tack sharp photos in this course. If you don’t, you can request a full 100% no-questions-asked refund within 30 days of purchase. Why only one thing? Judging from people I talk to all the time about this stuff, I actually think you’ll learn MANY New things. But… if you only learned 1 thing that will get you sharper and better-focused photos, I believe that is easily worth $47 Think about it… you’ve spent thousands on camera equipment. If $47 can help you take just one more sharp photos when it counts, wouldn’t you spend that any day of the week?
Tim Shields the founder of Photography Academy, the author of The Photo Cookbook and the creator of the Photography Transformation Four-Step System. He holds the designation of Master Photographer in Fine Art, and is the recipient of the International Nature Photographer of the Year Award from Master Photographers International.
Tim helps photographers take award winning photos through the Photography Transformation Four Step System Masterclass. You can take his free webclass to learn more.
Tim's bought his first DSLR film camera at age 13 and began shooting action photos and developing film in a home made darkroom. His photography evolved into landscape photos because it connected with his love for hiking and camping in the mountains. His photography style specializes in landscape, travel, and wildlife