If you are an existing member of the Photography Academy community (you own any paid or free product from us), then your login username and password will be the same as before.
All your past, present and future Photography Academy products are all accessible in your course library.
You can login to your course library at this link:
Look for the "Login to my courses" link at the very top of the page.
If you are brand new to Photography Academy, then welcome! You should receive an email within 15 minutes with your username and password.
If you don't receive it, please check your spam folder and if it's not there, please contact support@photographyacademy.com (note: there are two S's in timsphotos.) We do our very best to return emails 7 days per week.
This FREE workshop will show you the 30 second system to create your own incredible photos ANYWHERE! And, you get the book FREE when you watch the event!